On Race and Anti-Racism

July 16, 2020
Archer Coalition
race antiracism
Type: Event
Topic: Anti-Racism
On Race and Anti-racism
About The Event

What & When

ARCHER-American Romanian Coalition for Human and Equal Rights Conference Online: The history of racism and how we can fight for anti-racism today.
On July 16, 2020, ARCHER invites you to a special event featuring two remarkable professors.
Guest Speakers


Romanian-British historian and academic Marius Turda, one of the world’s leading experts in racism, eugenism, and medical history and Cristina A. Bejan, historian, theater artist, and poet.

The conversation is moderated by Mihaela Campion, clinical psychotherapist and Creative visionary of ARCHER- a group of enthusiastic professionals and grassroots anti-discrimination activists



They will attempt to answer imperative questions such as: Is race a social construct or a personal identity? How has racism been perpetuated historically? How does it manifest today, in the USA, in Romania, and across the globe? How can the history of racism in Romania inform our current battle with racism in the USA?
