We will weep in public

We will weep in public.

We will not wipe away our tears,
Stifle our groans or quiet our anger.
We will cause interruption and discomfort
Because that’s what grief demands.

We will weep in public.

We will create memorials together and alone,
Whether side by side or across digital spaces.
We will do it when it’s personal and
When we never knew their names.

We will weep in public.

We will bear the weight of remembrance
Lifting it above our heads so everyone can see.
We will defend their memories and
the truth of their deaths.

We will weep in public.

We will not allow the rewriting of the narrative
And the “getting on” with life as we knew it.
We will fight the systems until they change,
Rejecting the normalized murder of Black lives.

We will weep in public.

For the cries ignored
For the defamation sold
For the freedom denied
For the revolution needed

We will weep in public.

make your voice heard


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